‘TensiNet European Design Guide for Tensile Structures Appendix A5 – Design Recommendations for ETFE Foil Structures’, edited by: Rogier Houtman, published by TensiNet Association, BE-Brussels, 2013, 48 pages (ISBN 9789080868793)
New Building Technologies and Architectural Design, Cracow, 2013
Cremers, J.: ‘Environmental Impact of Membrane and Foil Materials and Structures – Status Quo and Future Outlook’. Xth International Scientific Conference “New Building Technologies and Architectural Design /1-st World Multi-Conference on Intelligent Building Technologies and Multimedia Management”. Crakow, Poland, 16.-18.10.2013, Proceedings
2013-17 EU-COST ACTION TU1303 “Novel Structural Skins”
since 2013, Jan Cremers is a member of EU-COST ACTION TU1303 “Novel Structural Skins” (Co-Leader with Alessandra Zanelli of Working Group on SUSTAINABILITY AND LIFE CYCLE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL SKINS – WG2)
Action website: http://www.novelstructuralskins.eu
PLEA 2013, Sustainable Architecture for a Renewable Future, Munich
Cremers, J.: ‘How membrane materials help to improve buildings’ energy efficiency, indoor comfort and LCA results. A summary on available options and an outlook towards future potential’. Conference PLEA 2013, Sustainable Architecture for a Renewable Future, Munich, Sept. 10 –12, 2013, Proceedings, also published at IRB-Verlag (ISBN 978-3-8167-9054-9)
2013-18 ‘Doppelte Membrankonstruktion mit low-e Beschichtung für ein transluzentes Dach über dem Neubau eines Sportzentrums in Fürth (SoFt)’
‘Doppelte Membrankonstruktion mit low-e Beschichtung für ein transluzentes Dach über dem Neubau eines Sportzentrums in Fürth (SoFt)‘,
EnOB-Forschungsprojekt, Förderung durch das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi)
Partner: ZAE Bayern, FAB Architekten, Wacker Ingenieure, F.I.B.U.S.
Projektleitung an der HFT Stuttgart gemeinsam mit Prof. Dr. habil. Ursula Eicker und Prof. Dr. Andreas Beck
01.07.2013 – 30.6.2018
TENSINET SYMPOSIUM 2013 [RE]THINKING lightweight structures, Istanbul, 2013
Cremers, J.: ‘Environmental Impact of Membrane Materials and Structures – Status Quo.’, TENSINET SYMPOSIUM 2013 [RE]THINKING lightweight structures, Proceedings, pp. 447-456, Mimar Sinan Fine-Art University, Istanbul, 8-10 May 2013
Conference sb13 munich, Implementing Sustainability – Barriers and Chances, Munich, 2013
Cremers, J.: ‘Energy Issues and Environmental Impact of Membrane and Foil Materials and Structures – Status Quo and Future Outlook’, and
Manara, J; Beck, A; Cremers, J; Lang, W; Rampp, T; Puchta, K; Arduini-Schuster, A; Ebert, H: ‘Lightweight Envelopes for Energy Efficient Buildings: Energy Saving by Covering Courtyards with Membran Systems’, and
Lang, W; Rampp, T; Puchta, K; Cremers, J: ‘Typological Examination of (Tensile) Membrane Structures in building Exteriors using Constructive considerations’
at Conference sb13 munich, Implementing Sustainability – Barriers and Chances, Proceedings, 24.-26.4.2013, Munich, Germany