Palla, N.; Braun, R.; Jobard, X.; Mitina, I.; Cremers, J.; Eicker, U.: ‚Entwicklung neuartiger PVT-Kollektoren – Leistungsfähigkeit und Potenzialanalyse für verschiedene Klimazonen‘, OTTI-Seminar Bauwerkintegrierte Photovoltaik, 3-2015, 10 p.
2015-17 ‘EnSign Reallabor – Klimaneutrale Hochschule als Partner der Region’
‘EnSign Reallabor – Klimaneutrale Hochschule als Partner der Region‘, Verbundprojekt an der HFT Stuttgart,
Förderung durch das Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst in Baden-Württemberg,
Teilprojektleitung Bereich Architektur,
Laufzeit 01.01.2015 – 31.12.2017
PLEA – 30th Conference, Sustainable Habitat for a Developing Society, Ahmedabad, 2014
Palla, N.; Braun, R.; Jobard, X.; Mitina, M.; Cremers, J.; Eicker, U.: ‘Development of Multivalent PV-Thermal Collectors for Cooling, Heating and Generation of Electricity’, in: Proceedings to PLEA 2014 – 30th Conference, Sustainable Habitat for a Developing Society, Ahmedabad, India, Dec. 16.-18., 2014, 9 pages
EuroSun 2014, Aix-les-Bains, 2014
Jobard, X.; Braun, R.; Palla, N.; Cremers, J.; Eicker, U.: ‘Experimental performance analysis of innovative uncovered pv-t collectors for radiative cooling and heating applications’, in: Proceedings to EuroSun 2014, International Solar Energy Society (ISES), International Conference on Solar Energy and Buildings, Aix-les-Bains, France, Sept. 16-19, 2014, 10 pages
4th Masters Conference: People and Buildings, London, 2014
Babich, Francesco; Cook, Malcolm; Cremers, Jan: ‘Are ventilation cooling towers an important element of plus-energy houses in southern Europe?’, 4th Masters Conference: People and Buildings, London Metropolitan University, Sir John Cass Faculty of Art, Architecture and Design, London, UK, September 2014, Proceedings, 6 pages. (conference prize winner)
Papachristou, George; Cook, Malcolm; Cremers, Jan: ‘The feasibility of natural ventilation in plus energy houses in Germany’, 4th Masters Conference: People and Buildings, London Metropolitan University, Sir John Cass Faculty of Art, Architecture and Design, London, UK, September 2014, Proceedings, 6 pages
EnOB-Symposium 2014, Essen
Zauner, J.; Wambsganß, M.; Cremers, J. et al.: ‘Solar Decathlon Europe – Dabei sein ist nicht alles’, EnOB-Symposium 2014, Essen, 20.+21.3.2014, Proceedings, p. 9-16
VI International Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures, Munich, 2013
Mohamed Ibrahim H.; Zanelli A.; Cremers, J.: ‘The Structural Behaviour of PTFE/Glass Fabric Structures Integrating Flexible Photovoltaic Modules’, Structural Membranes 2013, VI International Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures, Proceedings, Munich, 2013
Lang, W.; Rampp, T.; Puchta, K.; Cremers, J.: ‘Examination of Membrane Structures in Building Exteriors Using Typological and Constructive Considerations’, Structural Membranes 2013, VI International Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures, Proceedings, Munich, 2013