On Sept. 27th there is a Symposium on Membrane Architecture at the ZAE-Bayern in Würzburg where Jan Cremers will present amongst many others.
Category: university news
Best-Of-2018 @ HFT Stuttgart
Ausstellung “BEST OF – Das Beste aus den letzten beiden Semestern”
Eröffnung und Party
04. Oktober 2018, 18:00 Uhr
HFT Stuttgart, Bau 8
Diesseits der Form
Cremers, Jan: ‘Haut und Hülle. Lernen von der ersten und zweiten Haut für die dritte?’ im Buch ‘Diesseits der Form: Architektur auf dem Weg zur Energiewende – xia Intelligente Architektur, 100 Beiträge aus 100 Ausgaben, 1994 – 2017‘, editiert von Friedrich Dassler, Alexander Koch Verlag, 11/2017, ISBN-13: 978-3-87422-002-6 (Nachdruck eines Beitrags von 2005), S. 270-73
> kurze Besprechung des Buches von Jakob School auf detail.de (20.2.2018).
3rd Case-Study-Day @ HFT on Jan 19th 2018
On 19.1.18 our third Case-Study-Day of the HFT-course KlimaEngineering will take place (PDF, 160KB). Two innovative projects will be presented from different perspectives (in German):
Presentations by Pirmin Boch, Andreas Sedler, Anke Mensing, Sebastian Fiedler, Martin Zeumer, Rüdiger Denkers, Hansjörg Schwarz, Andreas Joos, Ralf Berwein, Volkmar Bleicher. Further information (in German) at
Thomas Hundt and Jan Cremers @ Raumwelten Ludwigsburg
On November 23rd 2017, Thomas Hundt and Jan Cremers were speaking at Raumwelten Ludwigsburg. The event took place in the pavilion «Lichtwolke» that was designed by students from ABK and HFT Stuttgart in a joint design workshop.
(photo by Raumwelten Ludwigsburg)
new book chapter
Cremers, Jan: ‘The Potential of Building Envelopes to Actively Provide Renewable Energy – a Review and Outlook’, p. 59-70. Chapter in the book ‘Building Technologies and Energy’ (ed. by Waclaw Celadyn and Sabina Kuc), Cracow University of Technology, 2017, ISBN 987-83-7242-956-8
presentation @ pro-flex 2017
Jan Cremers will provide the opening presentation at pro-flex-2017 conference at FEP Dresden on Nov 27th 2017: “Innovative application of ETFE films in architecture”