Structural Membranes 2017

Paper and presentation @ Structural Membranes 2017, Munich

Cremers, Jan; Marx, Hannes: Improved Daylight Comfort by a New 3D-Foil That Allows to Trade off Solar Gains and Light Individually. Structural Membranes 2017. VIII International Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures. IACM / ECCOMAS. Munich, 2017, Oct. 9-11. Proceedings, p. 133-140 (8p., Eds: K.-U.Bletzinger, E. Oñate and B. Kröplin), submitted to ISI Web of Knowledge (Thomson Reuters) and SCOPUS. ISBN: 978-84-946909-9-0

Publication in Energy Procedia

Cremers, Jan; Marx, Hannes: 3D-ETFE: Development and evaluation of a new printed and spatially transformed foil improving shading, light quality, thermal comfort and energy demand for membrane cushion structures. Energy Procedia, Volume 122, September 2017, Pages 115–120 (6 pages).

Paper presented at CISBAT 2017 International Conference, Lausanne (CH), 6.-8. Sept 2017

World Symposium on Sustainable Development at Universities, Boston

Botero, Lisa; Eicker, Ursula; Cremers, Jan; Palla, Nansi; Schoch, Christiane; Bossert, Michael: ‘A Real-world Lab Approach to the Carbon Neutral Campus Transition: A Case Study.’. World Symposium on Sustainable Development at Universities (WSSD-U-2016), Boston, USA. September 14-16, 2016. Paper #104/Track 4b. Proceedings, 10 pages

Final research report now available online (PVTintegral)

Cremers, Jan; Eicker, Ursula; Palla, Nansi; Jobard, Xavier; Klotz, Fritz; Mitina, Irina: Multivalente photovoltaisch-thermische Kollektoren zur Kälte-, Wärme- und Stromerzeugung und Szenarien für die Gebäudeintegration (PVTintegral) : Projektbericht : Laufzeit: 01.09.2012 bis 31.10.2015. TIB Hannover. 2016

TensiNet/COST TU1303 Symposium 2016

Cremers, Jan; Palla, Nansi; Buck, Doris; Beck, Andreas; Biesinger, Andreas; Brodkorb, Swen: Analysis of a Translucent Insulated Triple-Layer Membrane Roof for a Sport Centre in Germany. Procedia Engineering, Volume 155, 2016, Pages 38–46

Cremers, Jan; Marx, Hannes: Comparative Study of a New IR-absorbing Film to Improve Solar Shading and Thermal Comfort for ETFE Structures. Procedia Engineering, Volume 155, 2016, Pages 113–120

There will be lectures on both papers at the conference.

COST Action ‘Novel Structural Skins’ //  Conference Website // Conference Program