Cremers, Jan; Eicker, Ursula; Palla, Nansi; Jobard, Xavier; Klotz, Fritz; Mitina, Irina: Multivalente photovoltaisch-thermische Kollektoren zur Kälte-, Wärme- und Stromerzeugung und Szenarien für die Gebäudeintegration (PVTintegral) : Projektbericht : Laufzeit: 01.09.2012 bis 31.10.2015. TIB Hannover. 2016
Category: news
1st Case-Study-Day @ HFT
On 22.1.16 our first Case-Study-Day of the HFT-course KlimaEngineering took place. Three innovative projects have been presented from different perspectives (in German):
1. Upcycling mit Augenmass: Sanierung eines Wohnhochhauses, Pforzheim, 1970/2014
2. Neu und engagiert – innovativer Massivholzbau: Woodcube, Hamburg, 2013
3. Konsequenter Monolith mit Weitblick: Haus 36, Stuttgart, 2014
Further information (in German) here.
2012-16 home+ in Stuttgart
From spring 2012 until January 2016, our house home+ had been rebuilt at the HFT Campus in Stuttgart close to the Liederhalle. Further informationen on the project for the Solar Decathlon Europe 2010 can be found here.
Atlas Gebäudeöffnungen
In June 2015, the new Construction Manual “Atlas Gebäudeöffnungen (Fenster, Lüftungselemente, Außentüren)” has been published by DETAIL:
Cremers, J. (Author and Editor), co-authors are: M. Binder, P. Bonfig, J. Hartwig, W. Jehl, H. Klos, I. Leuschner, U. Sieberath, E. Sohn, T. Stark: “Atlas Gebäudeöffnungen (Fenster, Lüftungselemente, Außentüren)”, DETAIL, Munich, Germany, 288 p., 5-2015
herein the following chapters:
Cremers, Jan: ‘Öffnungen im Haus’ (A1), pp. 8-11
Cremers, Jan: ‘Die gestalterische Wirkung von Öffnungen in der Fassade’ (A3), pp. 24-31
Cremers, Jan mit ift Rosenheim (Ulrich Sieberath, Ingo Leuschner): ‘Anforderungen und Schutzfunktionen – Bauphysikalische Grundlagen’ (B1), pp. 50-85
Cremers, Jan: ‘Werkstoffe und Komponenten, Konstruktionsarten’ (B2), pp. 86-119
Cremers, Jan mit ift Rosenheim (Ulrich Sieberath, Wolfgang Jehl, Ingo Leuschner): ‘Baukörperanschluss und baulicher Kontext’ (B3), pp. 120-147
Cremers, Jan; Binder, Markus: ‘Passive Solarenergienutzung’ (C1), pp. 170-189
ISBN: 978-3-95553-229-1 (Print)
ISBN: 978-3-95553-230-7 (E-Book)
ISBN: 978-3-95553-231-4 (Bundle)
Further information can be found at the webpage of the publisher.
2011-12 home+ @ Ulm
From July to November 2011, our house home+ has been opened to the public in the city centre of Ulm, Olgastrasse 72. Here are some images of the opening ceremony (HWK President Anton Gindele, Mayor-of-Ulm
Ivo Gönner, Reinhold Müller, Jan Cremers). Further informationen on HFT Stuttgart’s project for the Solar Decathlon Europe 2010 can be found here.
Construction Manual for Polymers + Membranes
In June 2011, the English edition of the new Construction Manual
for Polymers + Membranes has been published by Birkhäuser/DETAIL. There are soft- and hardcover editions available.
Further information can be found at the
webpage of the publisher.
Atlante delle Materie plastiche
In May 2011, the Italian edition ‘Atlante delle Materie plastiche’
by UTET Scienze Tecniche, part of the series
Further information can be found at the website of the publisher.