In June 2011, the English edition of the new Construction Manual
for Polymers + Membranes has been published by Birkhäuser/DETAIL. There are soft- and hardcover editions available.
Further information can be found at the
webpage of the publisher.
Prof. Dr.-Ing., Dipl.-Ing. Architekt
In June 2011, the English edition of the new Construction Manual
for Polymers + Membranes has been published by Birkhäuser/DETAIL. There are soft- and hardcover editions available.
Further information can be found at the
webpage of the publisher.
In May 2011, the Italian edition ‘Atlante delle Materie plastiche’
by UTET Scienze Tecniche, part of the series
Further information can be found at the website of the publisher.
2 essays in swiss MODULØR Magazine 03-2011:
Cremers, J.: ‘Gebäude mit innovativen Membrandächern’, Vortrag auf der Tagung “Technical Textiles / Buildtech”, Frankfurt, 3-2011, Proceedings
Cremers, J.: ‘home+, ein innovatives Plusenergiehaus’, Architekten- und Ingenieurtag im Rahmen der eltefa 2011, Stuttgart, 3-2011
Cremers, Jan: ‘Flexible PV in Membranes’ (greek article) in KTIRIO, Greece, issue 2-2011, p. 107-112
Cremers, J.; Binder, M.; Dalibart, A.: ‘Mit home+ in eine Zukunft auf Basis Erneuerbarer Energien’ in Solarzeitalter 2/2011 (EUROSOLAR/WCRE), pp. 71-75
(download here)