Lightweight landscape for a sustainable built environment, Milano, 2012

Two presentations and papers for the international architecture workshop “Lightweight Landscape” (Lightweight landscape for a sustainable built environment / Minimal mass buildings for an energy-saving environment) at Politecnico di Milano in Italy (1/2012)

  • Cremers, J.: ‘Small Plus-Energy Buildings, Innovative Technologiess’, Proceedings
  • Cremers, J.: ‘High Performance Lightweight Building Envelopes Made of Foils and Textiles’, Proceedings

Technical Transactions Architecture, Issue 11, Year 108, Poland 2011

2011-12 home+ @ Ulm

From July to November 2011, our house home+ has been opened to the public in the city centre of Ulm, Olgastrasse 72. Here are some images of the opening ceremony (HWK President Anton Gindele, Mayor-of-Ulm
Ivo Gönner, Reinhold Müller, Jan Cremers). Further informationen on HFT Stuttgart’s project for the Solar Decathlon Europe 2010 can be found here

New building technologies and design problems, Cracow, 2011

Two presentations and papers for IX –th International Scientific Conference “New building technologies and design problems”, Technical University of Cracow, Poland, 20./21.10.2011

  • Cremers, J.: ‘Hochschule für Technik (HFT) Stuttgart’s project home+ for the Solar Decathlon Europe 2010 in Madrid, key innovations’, Proceedings, pp. 27-34 (volume II)
  • Cremers, J.: ‘soft skins -innovative foil and textile architecture’, Proceedings, pp. 21-29 (volume I)