Co-operation with Stefan Dinkel
1999-2002 New Terminal 2, Airport Munich
Project Management at the Practise Koch+Partner, Munich:
Visitor Areas, (‘Skywalk’, Visitors’ Terrace), Check-In-Areas, First-Class-Areas, Security Checking Areas, Integrated Hub Control Centre
- client: Flughafen München and Deutsche Lufthansa, represented by the Flughafen Baugesellschaft mbH
- Architect: Koch+Partner, Munich
- passager capacity: approx. 20 mill./year
- check-in facilities: 120 counter
- gross floor space: approx. 260,000 m2
- floor space: approx. 164,000 m2
- interior space: approx. 2,100,000 m3
- length of building: approx. 980 m
- cost of building: approx. 700 mill. €
- entire building incl. infrastructure approx. 1,500 mill. €
- construction period 1999-2003
‘A new Home for the Greater London Authority (GLA)’
‘A new Home for the Greater London Authority (GLA)’
Special Diploma Thesis + Documentary, 1999,
Prof. Dr. Uhlig, Prof. Nägeli, University of Karlsruhe
1999 Competition ‘Kleiner Schlossplatz’, Stuttgart
Co-operation with Alexander von Wedel
Projects Review University of Westminster
Projects Review, Department of Architecture, University of Westminster, London, 1998, p. 54-55, 115
study on ‘self-help of groups for timber constructions’
study on ‘self-help of groups for timber constructions’ (German: ‘Gruppenselbsthilfe im Holzbau’), compiled in the pratice P.I.A. 1996-97, Karlsruhe, comissoned by the dfh-Siedlungsbau, supported by the German Minister for Building Affairs Prof. Klaus Töpfer
1995-97 Work for P.I.A.
Study for an ecological housing complex for the City of Buehl (Baden, Germany), Co-operation in the practise P.I.A. – Karlsruhe
House Westermann in Baden, Co-operation in the practise P.I.A. – Karlsruhe
Residential complex ‘Thomas Münzer’ in Leipzig-Knauthain,
Co-operation in the practise P.I.A. – Karlsruhe