Cremers, Jan: ‘Innovative Membrane Architecture’ in the first issue of ‘XIA international‘ 01/2008, p. 60-63
2007 PTFE/Glass-Canopy with applicated photovoltaics
PTFE/Glass-Canopy with applicated photovoltaics (product ‘PV Flexibles’) of SolarNext AG / Hightex Group at Rimsting/Chiemsee. First application worldwide of PTFE/Glass applicated photovoltaics.
CISBAT2007 (Renewables in a Changing Climate – Innovation in the Built Environment), Lausanne
Cremers, J.: ‘Flexible Photovoltaics Integrated in Transparent Membrane and Pneumatic Foil Constructions’, Proceedings of CISBAT 2007 (Renewables in a Changing Climate – Innovation in the Built Environment) at the EPFL, 4-5 September 2007, Lausanne, Switzerland
Applications of Vacuum Insulation Systems in the Building Envelope – Technological, Physical and Architectural Aspects
‘Applications of Vacuum Insulation Systems in the Building Envelope – Technological, Physical and Architectural Aspects’, Ph.D.-thesis at the Chair of Building Technology Prof. Thomas Herzog, TU-Muenchen, 2006
…as a book publication:
Cremers, Jan: ‘Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Vakuum-Dämmsystemen im Bereich der Gebäudehülle – Technologische, bauphysikalische und architektonische Aspekte’, Martin Meidenbauer Verlagsbuchhandlung, München / New York, 2007 (ISBN: 978-3-89975-089-8)
(Link to
2007 ETFE-Pneu with integrated photovoltaics
ETFE-Pneu (approx. 5m x 5m) with integrated photovoltaics (product ‘PV Flexibles’) of SolarNext AG / Hightex Group at Rimsting/Chiemsee. First application worldwide of ETFE integrated photovoltaics.
Citation European Award Building-Integrated Solar Technology 2008
industrieBAU Symposium ENERGIE, Frankfurt/ Main, 2007
Cremers, J.: ‘Intelligente Gebäudehüllen – Zukunftstaugliche Technologien im Gewerbebau’, Proceedings of the ‘industrieBAU Symposium ENERGIE’ (3.-4.07.07), Frankfurt/ Main, Germany, Callwey 2007
Cremers, Jan: ‘Multifunktionelle membransystemer’ (danish) in ARKITEKTEN 03|07, Copenhagen, Denmark, p. 50-53