Cremers, Jan: ‘Architettura Leggera / Light Architecture’ (italian/english) in THE PLAN 54, 2011, pp. 113-118
SOLAR DECATHLON EUROPE 2010 – Towards Energy Efficient Buildings
In October 2011, the book ‘SOLAR DECATHLON EUROPE 2010 – Towards Energy Efficient Buildings’ has been published as a documentation of the Solar Decathlon Europe 2010 in Madrid. It contains detailed descriptions of all participating houses, teams and strategies (English only). For more information and the download of the complete book as a PDF (56,4 MB) click here.
The chapter on ‘home+’ has been written by Jan Cremers, Sebastian Fiedler and Nansi Palla (p.66-75).
Eccomas MEMBRANES 2011, Barcelona
Cremers, J.: ‘Energy Saving Design of Membrane Building Envelopes’, Eccomas MEMBRANES 2011, Barcelona, 5.-7.10.2011, Proceedings
3. Symposium Aktiv-Solarhaus (OTTI), Regensburg, 2011
Cremers, J; Palla, N.; Büttgenbach, S.; Dalibard, A.; Binder M.: ‘Neuartige Photovoltaisch-Thermische Kollektoren – Kälte, Wärme und Strom’, 3. Symposium Aktiv-Solarhaus (OTTI), 27.-28.9.2011, Regensburg, Proceedings, pp. 88-95
Cremers, J.; Grunwald, G.: ‘Innovative Membran-Stadiondächer in Kiew, Warschau und Vancouver’ in STAHLBAU 9-2011, pp. 678-686
CISBAT2011 – Cleantech for Sustainable Buildings, epfl-Lausanne
Cremers, J.; Binder, M.: ‘Key innovations of Stuttgart’s project home+ for the Solar Decathlon Europe 2010 in Madrid’, CISBAT2011 – Cleantech for Sustainable Buildings, epfl-Lausanne, 14.-16.9.2011, Proceedings pp. 691-696
2008-11 home+, Solar Decathlon Europe 2010
‘home+, Solar Decathlon Europe 2010‘, managing project director at HFT Stuttgart, Start: November 2008, sponsored by the German Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie (BMWi) by appointment of the German Parliament (Bundestag),
Ranking/ Prizes:
3rd final rank overall, further prizes in the following categories:
1st prizes in »Innovation« and »Construction and Engineering«,
2nd prizes in »Appliances and Functioning« and »Solar Systems«,
3rd prize in »Sustainability«
‘Bauhaus.SOLAR Award’, final round and distinction, Erfurt 11-2010
Architekturpreis Gebäudeintegrierte Solartechnik 2011 – Sonderpreis Studentische Projekte (Architectural Award for Building Integrated Solar Technology 2011 – Special Award for Student Projects)