

Gründungs- und Vorstandsmitglied der “Akadamie Ausgezeichnete Hochschullehre

since 1/2024

Mitglied Promotionsausschuss Forschungseinheit (FE) IV (Stellv.) im Promotionszentrum BW-CAR

since 2023

Mitglied im Promotionszentrum BW-CAR des Promotionsverbands der Hochschulen für angewandte Wissenschaften Baden-Württemberg

since 9/2017

Dean Department of Architecture and Design at HFT Stuttgart


Visiting Critic at Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, Rhode Island, USA (05/2017)


Member of the newly found “Baden-Württemberg Center of Applied Research” (BW-CAR) with the key research topic “ENERsource” (Energy Systems and Ressource Efficiency)


– Visiting Professor at Kyoto Institute of Technology (K.I.T), Japan (11/2014),
– Visiting Professor at Cracow University of Technology (CUT), Poland, Summer Semester 2014


Fellow für Innovationen in der Hochschullehre, selection by Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft, promotion/sponsoring by Baden-Württemberg Stiftung

2011 – 2017

First Studiendekan (head of course) for the new Bachelor course KlimaEngineering at HFT Stuttgart

since 10/2008 – today

Full professor for Building Technology and Integrated Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture and Design at Hochschule für Technik / University of Applied Sciences, Stuttgart


– Director Technology Hightex GmbH
– Regular Lecturer at Technische Universität München, Faculty of Architecture, for ‘Sonderthemen bei Fassadenkonstruktionen’ and for Master ‘ClimaDesign’ (Prof. Hausladen)


Director Envelope Technology SolarNext AGHightex Group,
2007-08 in the position of Vorstand/ CEO of SolarNext AG


– award for outstanding doctoral thesis of ‘Bund der Freunde der TU München‘ (alumni-association of TUM)
– Ph.D. (Dr.-Ing.), May 2006 distinction by the ‘Marschall-foundation’ (promotion and sponsorship of outstanding doctoral thesis’) and acceptance for the miscellanies of the Faculty of Architecture at the TUM


scientific and teaching assistant at the Chair of Building Technology, Technische Universität München, Prof. Thomas Herzog, also in the position of ‘Assistant to the Dean’


practise Koch+Partner, Munich


special diploma at the University of Karlsruhe, 1st prize at the ‘Baunetz’-competition ‘Diploma of the Year’


study of architecture and management at Westminster University, London

1995-97 and 1999

architecture practise in Karlsruhe


study of architecture at the University of Karlsruhe


  • several competition juries, national and international
  • reviewer for different international journals, e.g. ‘Solar Energy’, ‘Journal of Facade Design and Engineering (JFDE)’
  • member of ‘Architektenkammer Baden-Württemberg’ (Baden-Württemberg chamber of architects in )

scientific committees etc. (selection)