Cremers, Jan: ‘Skin and Mantle’ in Intelligent Glass Solutions – Daylighting & Solar Architecture, London (UK), Issue I-2006, p. 34-37
Category: publications
IBME Intelligent Building Middle East 2005
2 Poster DIN A0 (English) for IBME Intelligent Building Middle East 2005 Dec. 5th-7th in the Kingdom of Bahrain: ‘Vacuum Insulating Systems’ and ‘Technology and Design of Envelope Constructions’
XIA intelligente architekur, Zeitschrift für Architektur und Technik, 10-12/2005
Cremers, Jan: ‘Haut und Hülle – Lernen von der ersten und zweiten Haut für die dritte?’ in XIA intelligente architekur, Zeitschrift für Architektur und Technik, Issue 10-12/2005, p. 40-43
7th International Vacuum Insulation Symposium 2005
Cremers, J.: ‘Typology of Applications for Opaque and Translucent VIP in the Building Envelope and their Potential for Temporary Thermal Insulation’, 7th International Vacuum Insulation Symposium 2005, September 28-29, Zurich-Dübendorf, Switzerland, Proceedings, p. 189-196
VIP-Bau: 2. Fachtagung, Erfahrungen aus der Praxis, 2005
Cremers, J.: ‘Systematisierung architektonischer Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von Vakuum-Dämmsystemen im Bereich der Gebäudehülle’, conference ‘VIP-Bau: 2. Fachtagung, Erfahrungen aus der Praxis’ June 16th/17th 2005, Wismar, Germany, Proceedings, p. P1-P11
DETAIL, Zeitschrift für Architektur + Baudetail, 5-2005 (and international issues)
Cremers, Jan: ‘Vakuum-Dämmsysteme – Einsatzmöglichkeiten und planerische Hinweise‘ (German, incl. English summary) in DETAIL, Zeitschrift für Architektur + Baudetail, Serie 2005-5, p. 522- 525
also online available (since july 2005) at at ‘Infoline/Dämmstoffe/Publikationen’
Cremers, Jan: ‘Sistemas aislantes al vacío Aplicaciones e indicaciones para su puesta en obra‘ in DETAIL (Edición española) Año 2005 · 3, p. 346-348
Cremers, Jan: ‘Vacuum Insulation Systems – Possible Applications and Design Considerations‘ in DETAIL (English edition) 4-2005, p. 438-440
Detail Japan, 10·2005, p. 76-78
Cremers, Jan: ‘Vacuum Insulation Systems – Possible Applications and Design Considerations‘ in DETAIL (Chinese edition) 5-2005, Chinese text with English summary, p. 102-107
The Architects’ Journal (AJ), London, Issue 26/05/05
Cremers, Jan: ‘Building in a vacuum. Vacuum insulation systems are an important innovation, but are they ready to match up to expectations?’ in The Architects’ Journal (AJ), London (UK), Issue 26/05/05, p. 38-41