Summary of the Presentations of the Climadesign Congress at Bau2007 in Munich, Part ‘New Materials, Technologies and Systems’, Chair Bauklimatik und Haustechnik, Prof. G. Hausladen, TU-München, p. 58-60
Category: publications
DAB, Deutsches Architektenblatt 11·2006
Cremers, Jan: ‘Building Technology: Vacuum Insulating Systems, Possible Applications in Elemented Façades’ (German) in DAB, Deutsches Architektenblatt 11·2006, p. 65-68
First German-Austrian IBPSA Conference, 2006
Illinger, Caroline; Cremers, Jan; Lang, Werner: ‘Evaluation of the Potential of a New Highly Insulating Window Framing System by Thermal Simulations’, Proceedings, Conference ‘Energy Efficiency of Buildings and Thermal Comfort in Rooms, first German-Austrian IBPSA Conference’, October 9-11, 2006, Munich
DBZ, Deutsche Bauzeitschrift, 9-2006
Cremers, Jan: ‘Außenwandsysteme mit integrierter Vakuum-Dämmung’ in DBZ, Deutsche Bauzeitschrift, Issue 9-2006, p. 79-81
techniques&architecture (Paris), Issue No 485 – 8/9·2006
Cremers, Jan: ‘Zoom technique: Isolation fine – Prototype, Vacuum insulation panels system’ in techniques&architecture (Paris), Issue No 485 – 8/9·2006, p. 130-131
The Architects’ Journal (AJ), London, Issue 11/05/2006
Cremers, Jan: ‘These Vacuum Insulation Panels could be opaque, translucent or even transparent’- Ultra Slim Façades with Integrated Vacuum Insulation Systems, in The Architects’ Journal (AJ), London (UK), Issue 11/05/2006, p. 39-43
Fassade · Façade, Schweizerische Fachzeitschrift für Fenster und Fassadenbau, 2-2006
Cremers, Jan: ‘SCHLANK UND HOCHGEDÄMMT – Vakuum-Dämmsysteme in nichttragenden Aussenwandsystemen‘ in Fassade · Façade, Schweizerische Fachzeitschrift für Fenster und Fassadenbau, Issue 2-2006, p. 19-23